Product Data Sheet
Strucsol EASF Resin is the highest grade rapid setting structural resin available. Unlike styrene based polyester resin, Styrene free Epoxy acrylate resin can be used for bonding anchors and fixings in wet materials and has a lower shrinkage than Polyester resin- achieving much higher bond strengths.
The removal of the styrene element does make the resin a little more expensive than polyester however comes with the added benefits:
We recommend Our Epoxy Acrylate Resin for bonding all structural anchors into all Masonry/Concrete and substrates.
Setting time 5/15 Mins dependent on the ambient temperature, setting quicker in warmer temperatures (see cure data on labels)
Setting time: Initial cure 5 mins /15 mins.
Cartridge size: 380/ML useable contents - 410/ML fill.